

Please select the appearances you wish to view:

To see specific appearances by team, take a look at the Clubs pages.

PCBA CC Mixed - 2019/2020

Player NameAppearances
Akthar, Nama2
Biggs, Rhian3
Brown, Alex3
Charlesworth, Lewis2
Keysell, Bethryn5
Leung Ka Shing, Kenneth3
Thomas, Adam1
Tong, Jamie1

PCBA CC Ladies - 2019/2020

Player NameAppearances
Akthar, Nama5
Biggs, Rhian5
Donnelly, Vicky1
Foster, Amanda5
Keysell, Bethryn6
Kidd, Jenny1
Luxton, Amy1

PCBA CC Mens - 2019/2020

Player NameAppearances
Brown, Alex8
Charlesworth, Lewis7
Cheeseman, Andrew1
Leung Ka Shing, Kenneth8
Ouyang, Jing Xiu (Teddy)6
Russel, Carl4
Thomas, Adam2
Tong, Jamie4


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